Never imagining the blame the people would put on her life alone.
She showed them all her glory, kept true to her nature by singing strong.
Did she sense the danger in the land where she’s been hated all along.
Coyote Sky Dancer can you hear them call your name?
Coyote Sky Dancer life as you know it will never be the same.
They bring out the big gun, the poison, trap and snare.
No one with a heart so cold knows how to really share.
Death never comes quickly, the need for suffering lives in their eyes.
They will not be satisfied until they hear your babies cries.
Coyote Sky Dancer can you hear them call your name.
Coyote Sky Dancer life as you know it will never be the same.
They will feed you like MacDonalds, to keep you coming back for more.
Don’t buy what they are selling…it is imminent death at their candy store.
In a city, a wildness settles in like a sunset red and purple blue.
Coyote is that you I hear singing bright a song so clear and true.
Coyote Sky Dancer can you hear them call your name.
Coyote Sky Dancer life as you know it will never be the same.
Coyote comes to teach the spirit that holds prejudice inside.
Camo cannot mask the ugliness of hate