Thank you for visiting our website. Our new look is evolving, so visit often. We will be discussing issues that directly impact our North American Song Dogs of the Niagara Region.
Coyote Watch Canada has had a really busy and successful few months. Over a dozen guest speaking appearances, a rescue and release of a yearling coyote and the new feeding wildlife by-law that has passed for the City of Niagara falls, Ontario, Canada. Several other Canadian cities are now moving towards this direction.
For all of the supporters out there who have been instrumental in putting out fires–a huge THANK YOU. The grand efforts for all of your letter writing, sighting information and education sharing has elevated Coyote in so many ways.
We are now in the thick of shooting! A Coyote documentary that’s right…Coyote Watch Canada was contacted months ago by a Japanese Production Company to work on a coyote documentary that would share the beautiful yet extremely difficult lives of these wonderful North American canids. Our very own Song Dogs of Niagara Falls Ontario will be featured in this thought provoking, compassionate documentary. Look for daily pictures, diary blogs and intimate glimpses into the lives of coyote.