We know you all care very much about the wildlife in your community. Coyote Watch Canada hotline is receiving a significant increase in the volume of coyote and fox sightings which are typical for this time of the year. Our education awareness and outreach is even more critical during these dynamic changes taking place in the landscape. Coyotes and other wildlife over the past several months were busy searching for viable densites to start their families. New pups are now venturing with their parents away from the den. Exploration of the natural world is peaked at this time of the year for many wild families.
Foraging demands, parental training for off-spring and territory movement between family members are just a few of the important influences that we need to consider when we happen to observe a coyote in transit or we experience a wildlife encounter. Let’s work together to ensure the messages we give to coyotes, fox and other wildlife are clear, sensible and consistent. Blurred lines do not work. It is our responsibility to keep our pets safe and secure and to teach and engage our children about the appropriate ways we all can appreciate and protect the nature that is around us. Celebrating wildlife such as coyotes and fox is a wonderful way to develop a compassionate and caring “nature compass” within our children. It is never too late to wildlife proof your surroundings, follow city by-laws about leash/garbage handling and consider re-wilding your property by putting away the bird feeder and plant indigenous flora instead.
Please help local wildlife and community members by downloading and sharing our simple one stop CWC Wildlife Proofing Quick Tips sheet with excellent guidelines for wildlife proofing your property. Be proactive. This is the first line of prevention in actively removing attractants from your property. Wild lives depend on it!
For other valuable coyote coexistence information or to fill in a coyote sighting report form please visit the City of Niagara Falls.
For more information about Re-Wilding our precious planet click the link!