Reading past fear: how to de-sensationalize the news
Coverage of wildlife encounters frequently use sensationalized language and opinions, leaving facts to be unearthed by readers.
Coverage of wildlife encounters frequently use sensationalized language and opinions, leaving facts to be unearthed by readers.
Contest could also put at-risk Algonquin wolf at risk. Take action to end it!
Lauren Van Patter and Lesley Sampson discuss why sometimes "hazing" works and sometimes it seems it doesn't on the Defender Radio podcast.
As many of you know I am a wildlife photographer, what most don't know are the hours, patience, cost, and dedication it takes to catch a glimpse of an animal. Sometimes we are given chances where time stands still and we can capture them in their natural habitat from a safe distance. Other days we are out from sunrise to sunset and don't find anything.
A primer on why relocation, trapping and other mitigating efforts don’t resolve conflict with wildlife and can actually create it.
Nathan McCarville shares his experiences with the coyotes of Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan.
Coyote Watch Canada spent some time chatting with the Defender Radio podcast this week answering YOUR questions!
Canada Goose Inc. has announced they will be phasing out purchasing of new coyote fur in 2022 and will instead be recycling existing furs purchased from consumers.
Utilize Ontario’s environmental registry to voice your opposition and concerns regarding the spring bear hunt.
If you have ever experienced the sinking feeling of helplessness at the sight of a sick or injured wild animal, then this story is for you. This story is sad, but I'm sharing it for a good reason.